• justin bieber brazil    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 金堡餐飲 Justin’s Signatures

      【關於金堡餐飲】由新加坡籍名廚Justin Quek郭文秀領軍的金堡餐飲創立於2004年,由雙城街的La Petite Cuisine開始,細膩經典的法式料理手法、結合取法台灣獨到食材與飲食文化的料理風靡政商名流,迄今於台北已有2家型態各異的餐...

      電話:02-87719297    地址:台北市大安區忠孝東路四段181巷33號
    2. 璽合康股份有限公司

      ... Salcomps production plants are located in Shenzhen in China, in Manaus in Brazil and in Chennai in India. In addition to these locations, Salcomp has operations in Salo in Finland, in Leesburg in the USA, in S?o Paolo in Brazil and in Taipei in Taiwan, as well as in Tokyo in Japan. Salcomp has some...

      電話:02-26562358    地址:台北市內湖區內湖路一段316號12F
    3. eightfish


      電話:02-27917451    地址:台北市信義區信義路四段61號
    4. 西岸石材有限公司

      ...bs for construction and indoor / outdoor decoration.Mineral resources from Brazil, EUROPE, South Africa, India, USA and Canada West Coast Granite Co., Ltd. was founded in 2005 in Taiwan.West Coast Stone Gallery Inc (Show Room) was established in 2007 in RICHMOND, BC.

      電話:03-8246668    地址:花蓮縣花蓮市中美七街39號3樓之5
    5. 吉膳國際貿易有限公司

      巴西集品銷售的項目有人字拖,夾腳拖,涼鞋,橡膠拖鞋,品牌有Havaianas、Grendene、Dupe、Melissa等,巴西集品拖鞋皆為巴西真品平行輸入的時尚名品 ..巴西集品的實體店面已在市場銷售六年,在奇摩拍賣也將屆滿五年~從第一個評價就是...

      電話:02-27214678    地址:台北市大安區忠孝東路四段216巷11弄20號

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